Wednesday, November 18, 2009

YOGA! with Mel

At Thai Freedom House we not only stretch our minds but our bodies with periodic yoga classes with visiting yoginis!  This time Mel Cambell who teaches yoga at Wild Rose Yoga Studio and Sauna in Chiang Mai (right around the corner from us) came by with her daughter to give us a good stretch, a good laugh and the quietest moment I have ever seen at TFH with the meditation at the end of the session.  Check out the photos and if you are interested or know of another yogini in the area that would like to come by for a workshop, contact me at or check out our website at for more information.  Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. What am AMAZING experience for all of you. Thank you Lisa for your beautiful opportunities and experience that you bring to the children of TFH and thank you Mel for sharing the unifying joyful experience of yoga.... off the mat and into the world.

