Saturday, December 5, 2009
Homemade Books
After a few lessons about food, playing games with words and making worksheets, we thought: let's do something else! So we made a food-book with the students. The students looked in magazines and cut out food-pictures. They had to stick it on the right page: drinks on drinks page; beef on the meat page and a salad on the fruit and vegetables page. S, one of the students, even said "barbeque", when he looked at a picture of a meatstick on a grill, while we hadn't mentioned the word "barbeque" in class! Making the food-book was a big success. The students like to read and look in their self-made book.
Making books with students is a great way to learn (and teach) English. You can make a book in almost every subject. The students use the words a lot while making a book. They enjoy doing it, and are even more proud when they see the result at the end. They made their own book and it looks great!
-Dorien and Judith
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Baby Sunday
He also has a 9 year old son in a missionary school in Chiang Dao and he is trying to save up enough money to go and tell him that his mother is dead.
Currently he is living in the store room at Thai Freedom House and we are supplying him with food and formula for the baby but he desperately wants to work, he can garden and do construction; if you know anyone who might have a job for him please let me know. Also, we need help supporting him until he is on his feet again, if you or someone you know would like to help with formula expenses or has anything for a 4 mo. old baby boy you can drop it off at the school on Moon Muang, Soi 7, Chiang Mai, across from Wat Lam Chang.
You may also make a donation on our website
Thank you
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Teaching and Learning English As A Second Language
I think most of us have encountered that learning a second language is a different and way more difficult process. Remember the vocabulary lists in high school you had to repeat time after time? And when you didn't repeat them for a week you forgot most of the words... The innate ability to learn how to speak a language seems to disappear after the age of 7 years old. The older you are, the harder it gets.
Here at Thai Freedom House the students are learning English and Thai. "Shan" is their native language. You see it's hard for them and I really can imagine that. It took me more than a week just to say "Hello" and "Thank you" in Thai. Every new word I hear in Thai, I have to repeat more than a thousand times, and maybe if I continue to repeat the word again and again, I will remember the word (and the meaning) at the end of the week. But most of the time I fail... One of the first English lessons I did with the young adults group was about clothes. I taught them the names of different kind of clothes. We did some games with the words and the clothes, the students used the words a lot, so I was very disappointed that they didn't remember ANY of the words the week after. I suppose I learned that they also need to repeat and review the words everyday before they can remember them.
Pronunciation is also very hard for them. When we are practicing pronunciation, I can't keep the smile off my face, it's so funny. For example: short and shirts. They couldn't make the different sounds. They both sounded like "short" and it took them a while to find the right sound. So we sat there making sounds like "oooooooooo" and "iiiiiiiiiiiii". Quite funny, but after a while they found the right sound! Or what about saying the word "scarf", I think that's impossible for them... And the other way around: I'm having a hard time to pronounce their names right. I'm lucky they use nicknames!
And that's just the speaking part... We also want them to learn how to read and write. If they know how to read and write in English, they have more chances to find a better job than now. That's why we do a lot of exercises with ABC. But just to know how the letter sounds, doesn't make you able to read. That takes much more practice and phonics! Last week I had a new girl in my group, she didn't know anything of the ABC, but she was very eager (and shy), she copied the words I wrote on the whiteboard exactly. When you saw her notebook, you would really believe she could read and write. But when you asked her to read what she wrote, she couldn't.
It's a big challenge to teach them as much as possible and also make it enjoyable and fun to learn. I'm here for 6 weeks, still 3 to go. That's a very short time to see some progress, but I hope I will! Either way I am sure another eager volunteer will come along and follow the curriculum and they will all reach their goals!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
YOGA! with Mel
At Thai Freedom House we not only stretch our minds but our bodies with periodic yoga classes with visiting yoginis! This time Mel Cambell who teaches yoga at Wild Rose Yoga Studio and Sauna in Chiang Mai (right around the corner from us) came by with her daughter to give us a good stretch, a good laugh and the quietest moment I have ever seen at TFH with the meditation at the end of the session. Check out the photos and if you are interested or know of another yogini in the area that would like to come by for a workshop, contact me at or check out our website at for more information. Thank you!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Visiting Free Bird Cafe
I am sitting in my favorite and most colorful cafe's in all of Thailand, Free Bird Cafe.
I am spending time here Mentoring clients and Coaching an Interior Design Company in Bangkok. It's the perfect office with children's paintings every where, art work, toys and the dreams of hopes of children painted on the walls and I know that 100% of what I spend here goes to support Thai Freedom House.
Freedom House is a non-government, not-for-profit organization dedicated to assisting refugees in Thailand. Their work includes helping refugees from Burma who have come to Thailand as well as Indigenous Hill Tribe families. The Shan, Burmese and Hill Tribe families don't have the same rights as the Thai people and there is a real sense of joy from the staff and the community of volunteers that have come here to help from all around the world.
But unlike most cafe's there is some thing special going on here, the Burmese people working here are students of Freedom House and you can feel the heart felt service, because they know that this cafe is helping the school and their Shan brothers and sisters to get a free education and to me that sincerity makes a world of difference.
In this space I can feel the energy and excitement of what is happening here and as a result of this creative abundance I am able to open my mind and be in the right head space to understand and meet the needs of my clients. For me being in this colorful and magical environment I have realized how much of our humanity has lost its ability to work with each other, instead of competing with each other we need to co-operate and this is a fine example of a community in action.
So from my time here in this Extra-Ordinary Community I have made it my mission now to work more with people, to respect the friends that I have and to build on the Freedom Foundation for the next generation to come, as we are all part of one family and we all need to co-operate as one Universal Humanity and make the future bright for our children.
Andrew Morrissey.
Recycling Workshop

I, as a teacher primary school, do feel now a little bit ashamed as I think of all the papers and things I have thrown away back home, just because I didn't have a good place to keep it.
We see now that you can do a lot with a little bit of creative thinking. Another volunteer, Madz, for example, was ironing plastic bags. We'll use the hard plastic tonight for making earrings.
Or what about using colorful pages from magazines to pack presents from the shop?
If you save a lot, you need a lot space to keep it. Because there was almost no more space and we wanted to teach the students about recycling, we decided to have a workshop about it. So last Tuesday, 10th of November there was a recycling workshop by CCT. We showed the students what you can do with trash that you normally will throw away. One of the volunteers explained what recycling is about and how it works. Then the students had to write down why they think recycling is important and how you can use trash again.
There were many good ideas, like "putting all groceries in one bag at the market keeps our environment clean".
Before the student started to make things from empty bottles, cans, paper boxes and many other things we showed some examples because the student are not familiar with these kind of projects.
They enjoyed making things. There were many different and beautiful things made.
Time went fast. Like they say "time flies if you're having fun".
We hope the students are now inspired to use things again and again...
Dorien and Judith, current volunteers (six weeks)
Putting Studies into Action
I sent out my study abroad applications to Israel and Thailand - two places I had visited in the past, but only briefly and as a vacationer, but both places I loved. In Israel I could study my own religion and be engulfed in the incredible spirituality that makes Israel such a Holy land, for not only Jews, but many other religions and people as well. In Thailand I could study a religion different from my own, one I knew little about. I would also be exposed to more volunteer opportunities, really getting my hands dirty and having the experience I wanted. There is also such an interesting history of Thailand - not only is the culture so deeply rooted in past history and traditions, but I also find it fascinating how Thai history is so closely related to other countries close-by. Obviously, I ended up choosing Thailand and after telling my program I wanted to be placed somewhere teaching English, I was ecstatic when I learned I would not only be teaching English, but I would be teaching English at an educational center for Burmese Refugees. Embarrassingly, I knew little about the situation in Burma. I asked my dad, a history and politics bluff, for some information and together we did research on the issues there. Incredibly saddened after doing this research, I hoped that by taking a Burma/Myanmar politics class while studying here in Thailand, learning about the social and political issues in Thailand, and volunteering at Freedom House, I would not only learn about the situation through academics, but I would truly realize the situation through working first hand with those who had and who continued to suffer from the devastating problems in Burma. I also new that instead of merely gaining knowledge about the situation, I could actually effect someone's life, even if it was just on a small scale.
Since I have been here in Thailand, taking the class on Burma/Myanmar politics with a professor who is a political activist who has been exiled from Burma, taking another class on all the social and political issues in Thailand - which of course includes the situation in Burma - and volunteering here at Freedom House, I truly feel like I am gaining something much more valuable than had I been sitting in the library at my college in Ohio learning about things that I could never truly know, unless experiencing them first hand. So here I am, feeling like I can actually give something back to those who I have read books and articles about. Now I do not only know their history, I know them as real live people as well.
I have only been here for two months, but my time here at Freedom House has been truly amazing. I love working with the children - they are bright, beautiful, and above all else, they are children and what child should be denied an education and the chance to just be a kid? Why should their ethnicity or "mother- country" (if you can call Burma that) dictate their ability to receive a solid education? Freedom House is incredible because it does not only give these children access to an education, but it allows them to just goof around, to be children, to have fun. At home, they have to take on many responsibilites, responsibilites that I could never imagine having had when I was ten years old. At Freedom House, they can just be little kids. To me, this is so incredibly valuable.
I know that giving back isn't about making yourself feel good, but I cannot help but feel so lucky and privileged that I am able to have this experience -- incorporating my studies into actual experiences and hopefully touching someone's life.
Here are some photos I took of the children... just being kids!
Mai - Mai is very intelligent and her English is really excelling. She is a leader and the other children look up to her. She is so sweet as well.
This is On - On is silly and fun and really enjoys learning. She always brings great energy and excitement to class and her passion for learning as well as art is amazing to watch.
Knowledge + experience = the best education!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Peace Cranes
I have always admired the Japanese tradition of origami - those teeny tiny pieces of paper folded to create beautiful birds, flowers and animals are awe inspiring - but I have never managed to successfully fold anything more intricate than an envelope. That all changed however, when I decided that Freedom House should be the place for an original origami design - paper crane earrings.
Paper cranes represent peace and freedom, especially for children. They are a symbol of the children's peace movement and are folded as a wish for peace. Anybody from any background, living conditions or education background can fold paper cranes - they are fun, easy and can be made from any sort of paper. Many children all over the world have folded paper cranes to represent their voice and desire for freedom.
The peace crane movement began in Japan after the 1945 bombing of Hiroshima. A young girl, Sadako Sasaki, was 2 years old at the time of the bombing and was only one mile from the spot where the bomb landed. As a result of her exposure to the a-bomb she developed and died from leukemia. Before she died she attempted to fold 1000 paper cranes, believing that the gods would grant her wish to get well if she did so.
Since the story of Sadako became known, a campaign to build a memorial for all the children killed by the atomic bomb started and eventually a memorial was built in Hiroshima. Every year, children all over the world fold peace cranes and send them to the monument to represent their voice for peace and freedom.
The symbol of the peace crane - for freedom and peace - is something that all the students of Freedom House wish for. Each crane is folded with a wish for something they desire, and to fashion these wishes into an earring that will be worn from Thailand to Toronto means that their dreams and desires and wishes will spread all over the world.
The earrings Freedom House students and volunteers make are fashioned from recycled paper and each crane is unique. They are available to purchase from the Free Bird Cafe shop and come in two sizes - 20baht for small and 29baht for long earrings. Students are already thinking up new designs they want to make into jewellery that we will keep you all updated on!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Shan New Year Celebration
Our Shan New Year party was organized by our new assistant director; Nang Yomt One. She informed us of all the traditional foods that needed to be served and organized some song and dance for the students to perform. All of the students families were invited to come and a lot of them were able to. We had a great afternoon and evening of Shan culture appreciation. A lot of the students commented that it was nice to have a place to celebrate like a family since normally they would be celebrating with their whole village and extended family. I am glad that we got to share this together as our own Freedom House Family.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Krissy's Thai Travelogue!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
My volunteer experience at Thai Freedom House
Here is a photo on me (on the right) having lunch with some other volunteers at Free Bird Cafe.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Watershed: Burma News Update
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Thai Mother's Day 2009
We started with a monoprint making workshop so the kids could make some original and beautiful cards for their mothers. Then the students painted small planters and planted flowers for their mothers and we arranged an evening of snacks, a movie called "Burmese Eyes," filmed in Burma by a local ex-pat Marco Monti and performances by the kids. This gave a chance for the parents to share their memories of life in Burma with their children by responding to the video and images of current Burma.
The mothers who could attend were moved to tears when their children presented the cards and homemade gifts to them. I was also in tears when I received some mothers day cards myself from the students. It was a very sweet evening and all of the students, families and volunteers enjoyed themselves.
submitted by Thai Freedom House Director: Lisa Nesser
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Review: Burma VJ

Composed of hours of footage from small handycams captured by young guerilla journalists in Burma, the documentary offers one of the few close looks inside the totalitarian state of a military junta that’s not exactly the poster child for the freedom of the press. The identity of these reporters is undisclosed, for the security of their lives outside of bars, but we follow “Joshua”, one of the leaders of young journalists as his hopes and concerns are conveyed through the piecemeal footage edited together by film director Anders Ostergaard. Though the journalists started filming in August of 2007, the groups’ activities took on critical importance as their pocket cameras began capturing shaky shots of the protests and events surrounding the September 2007 “Saffron Revolution,” when the political discontent boiled over with monks marching in the streets and foreign journalists expelled from the country.
First released in May of 2009, the Burma VJ film has since seen limited release in major cities in the United States and Europe and has garnered several awards at film festivals, from the “World Cinema Documentary Editing Award” at Sundance Film Festival to the “Movies That Matter Award” from the Amsterdam International Documentary Film Festival. From reviews in major newspapers to Twitter streams, it has started to gain broader attention and stimulate discussion about a brutal situation that can often fall out of the horizon of the news and popular concerns.
The beauty of the film’s approach is that the footage and narrative has been generated by the citizens of Burma themselves, allowing even those who have never been to Southeast Asia or read about Burma to begin to understand the situations in which they live from the perspective that citizens experience it - their fears, hopes, sights, and sounds. Not only does this have the potential to impact those in countries much further away, but we might hope that it could even influence the perspective of that Thai people in our community here that negatively view those fleeing from the repression of the brutal regime without awareness of the situation they are coming from.
Though it’s not available for sale as a DVD yet, we here at Freedom House will be eagerly awaiting its release, and we hope you’ll look out for it as well, and look for opportunities to share it with others, through a showing at your university, gathering with friends, event with your religious organization – seeking ways to continue the conversation and deepen understanding across borders.
You can visit their official website at, and sign up for notification of the film release on Amazon (
Friday, July 31, 2009
Guest Blogger Dennis Guikema : Interview with our Director!
I stumbled across the Thai Freedom House when on a short walk only a few blocks from my guesthouse in Chiang Mai. I was drawn in by a small chalkboard that both touted their mission of serving refugee and indigenous communities as well as advertised the small café that helps to fund the program. I met Lisa Nesser, the founder and director, as well as two long term volunteers, Moon Hong, from Seoul Korea, and Katie Shultz, from Birmingham, Alabama. I returned on July 29, 2009 to talk with Lisa more in depth about the Thai Freedom House as well as her personal experience as a leader in Thailand.
{ Founder & Director Lisa Nesser }
Lisa has a rich and fascinating history of working with refugee communities, starting in her home of Saint Louis, Missouri, where she worked with a Bosnian community that moved into the neighborhood where her family had owned a store for over 100 years. Later she traveled to India where she volunteered with Tibetan refugees. Lisa enjoys facilitating connection for refugee communities to their culture in a new place as well as to building bridges and connections between communities.
Lisa came to Thailand about six years ago to work with refugees, first in an orphanage on the Burmese boarder, then with teacher training. (She has a degree in education and was an elementary school teacher in the United States.) She moved to Chiang Mai and continued to do this work. In talking with kids selling flowers and trinkets to tourists, she began to build connections. She started teaching English informally. Soon kids were waiting at her home for her when she returned. They began to bring siblings, then families, then they began inviting Lisa into their homes. Eventually Lisa started scheduling classes, hired a Thai language teacher, and did community outreach to help supply basic needs, identified by the community, such as mosquito netting and water filtration. Two and a half years ago, a year after she started doing this work out of her own home, she started Thai Freedom House in its own location, moving to the current space four months ago.
Currently, most of the youth and families served are from the Shan minority of Burma. The Shan have fled extreme oppression and poverty. While some are registered as “refugees” by the United Nations and have basic rights in Thailand, most are not. These children are not able to access any education, and their families are not offered even the most basic social services. Life for these kids is hard. One 14 year old boy, for example, who comes to Thai Freedom House most evenings, works in a noodle shop from 3:00 AM to 5:00 PM each day for a pitiful pay. He is new to Chiang Mai from Burma and does not speak Thai.
The Thai Freedom House serves people from 5 to 27 years of age. There are about 25 kids registered at any given time. Classes are offered Monday through Friday from 6:00 to 8:00 PM: two nights of Thai instruction, two nights of English instruction, and one night of arts or music workshop.
As one can imagine, there are many challenges that Lisa faces in this work. One is financial. She started the Thai Freedom House with no outside support, working a job during the day to provide the service at night. She now receives small donations from a number of patrons and has both foreign and Thai volunteers helping. Still, with no large foundations or private donors behind her, she still funds some of her work with her own credit card. Other challenges include confronting the misconceptions and stereotypes about refugees in Thailand (similar to negative attitudes toward immigrants in the United States and many other countries.) “The Thai press does a great job of keeping people in the dark about why the refugees are here,” she points out. As a result there is a lack of sympathy and understanding between communities. “It is a lot easier, then, to ostracize than understand,” Lisa observes. For this reason, she was very cautious when she started Thai Freedom House, waiting for it to be well established before making a visible presence in the larger community. An additional challenge Lisa faces is common in any aid work: burnout.
As I have seen from my own observations, both in the Thailand for School Leaders program and in my own visits to schools in Thailand and Laos, there is an enormous inequity in quality of education a child might recieve. Lisa cast more insight onto this. While Thailand claims to offer all citizens an education, many receive an education that is substandard, others in more rural villages have no access, and those who are undocumented refugees can not attend. Of the 25 youth who attend Thai Freedom House, fewer than five are attending school, and the five who do attend “temple school.” Lisa described many challenges presented at these schools. The teachers are mostly new and inexperienced, often without a connection to the population they serve. Most instruction is from a television, which is broadcast from Bangkok. One teacher will monitor three classes. Kids have no opportunity to ask questions or get personal attention.
As a school leader, myself, I was curious to know more about Lisa’s leadership style. When I asked her to describe her style, she said, “I’m changing that”. Lisa wants to move from the current situation of being “the face of the program” and the person responsible for every aspect, from instruction to management, to investing others with more responsibility. This shift is slowly happening and is evident in the curriculum and volunteer handbooks that were completed by Moon Hong, a volunteer from Korea. “I want to see that the school can run without me,” says Lisa. “The goal is to give this over to paid local staff. But I need to be a strong example first.”
I appreciate Lisa and her volunteers for the time they generously shared, and have a deep respect for the transformative work they do. I intend to “give back” by hosting a dinner party when I return home, showing off my pictures and new found Thai cooking skills. At the dinner, guests will have the opportunity to donate to the Thai Freedom House.
You find out more about the Thai Freedom House at
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
How to start your internship in a ‘spiritual’ way
-Take a good look at what you’ve got: with paper in hand, consider the tasks you’ve written on your chores checklist so far. -
-Consider the details
-One more thing… Aim for improvement, not perfection. Look at your household chore checklist because your home is in a disastrous mode right now. … it’s measurable and tangible and gets everyone more excited about the whole process of doing house chores.
Read the list above. This is the main reason why I’ve never read self-help books. As far as I concerned, self-help books tend to lower self-esteem and make you feel bad about yourself: not doing chores “efficiently”, for instance. To be honest with you, I’ve never spent ‘enough’ time for doing for house chores in the past. If I could I came up with a dozen of excuses why I can’t do the chores right now: I’m busy with work, studies and volunteering. Don’t forget that I have a lot of important people to catch up with as well as important social gatherings to attend!
For a change I’d decided to listen to the wisdom from the world of self-help. I thought it’d be a good way of remarking a healthy and balanced life in Thailand. So as soon as I arrived in Freedom House, I started my internship from the most difficult personal task: cleaning. The Teacher’s room was filled with files, paper, art supplies, cooking utensils. During the first few days at Freedom House I threw myself into the dust.

-First of all, take a good look at what we don’t want to have. I threw away all the junk into the garage.
-Second, sort out things based on the types of items they are.
-Third, focus on cleaning big furniture first in order to create space for storage.
-Fourth, buy a pretty bookshelf. It is sky-blue ( Pink would have been too much).
-Fifth, it was time for the details. Sit down and go over all the materials, piles of hand-outs for English and art classes. -Sixth, place them into files and folders based on topics and levels.
-Last, aim for improvement, not perfection.
Cleaning is probably one of the most visibly satisfying jobs I’ve done at Freedom House. When you’re not sure where the best place to start doing things on the first day of volunteering, starting with a big cleaning and organizing day is ‘measurable’ and ‘tangible’ ways to start your internship. When you’re done, take a good photo of the room and your excessively sweaty back.

It is a definite possibility that cleaning marked a good start for my healthy, balanced and spiritual life that was so hard to achieve back home. If there are any people out there who are a bit obsessive-compulsive about cleaning, organizing and sorting things out, volunteering at Freedom House can be a great place to release your inner desire for chores.
warm regards,
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Volunteering during the rainy season!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Thai Freedom House Blessing and Open House at new location.
On the evening of the party the families of the students attended and the kids got to show off some dancing and singing karaoke for the crowd. There were also speeches made by some parents expressing their gratitude for the school and all it offers. It was a lovely evening enjoyed by all.
We are truly lucky to be in such a beautiful, convenient location with wonderful neighbors who are understanding and accepting of our project.